Tag Archives: Moab

My Epic Intermission

15 Jun

My life has been nothing short of a whirlwind of the epic variety for the past month. For starters, Ryan and I have moved from Philadelphia to Colorado! (Actually, we are STILL in the process of relocating. We can’t move in to the home we’re renting until August. Oh, poop. I guess we’ll just have to travel to kill time. Didn’t expect this entirely but… me complain? Never!)

So here is a snapshot of what I’ve been up to since May 8th and a preview of what I’ll be doing up until August 1st.

Obviously, my CrossFit 5x/week schedule is, well, a little off-schedule. I can tell I’m weaker and slower but I keep reminding myself that in addition to being an end in itself, CrossFit is also a means to an end. I CrossFit so I can mountain bike, trail run, snowboard, hike. And I’m currently doing most of that right now so I’m content. But, oh, I do miss my CrossFit sessions. Can’t wait to get back under a bar.